The National Sports & Physical Activity Convention will be focussing its narrative on the planning and changes in the industry expected for the next decade, up to and after the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The Opportunity to plan for beyond a decade will be new for many organisations who are funded annually or up to an election cycle of 3 to 4 years. As an industry that is still recovering from the Covid pandemic, we need to collaborate to make the most of this decade-long runway. The NSC22 program will be exploring this throughout the 2.5 day program.

Key generational areas that the industry will need to consider include:

  • Physical Activity, recreation, community sport and health, who has responsibility between these convergent and overlapping opportunities. The Federal Government’s Department of Health will showcase their recent strategies around Preventative Health and Obesity together with exploring how recreation and community sport fits into this. This is the first time that the Department of Health has shared their thinking with the industry and all levels of government and sport should be involved.
  • The Federal Office of Sport will also explain their role in community participation and their priorities over the next decade together with a number of State Government’s doing the same. We will be joined by Phil Reeves, Executive Chair of the Active Queenslanders Industry Alliance, and as a previous Minister for Sport in Queensland, he Chairs the Industry Alliance with all sectors of our industry collaborating to make a difference to the lives of Queenslanders.

We also need to appreciate that the Brisbane Olympians and Paralympians could still be under 10 years old now, so sport may look very different to them. Within this year’s NSC we will be focussing on what do young people want to keep them in sport, how does sport need to evolve to bring out the best in these youngsters. In addition, we will explore how the current elite champions, who will be our future industry leaders, what they want to see within sport for the future.

If we want to succeed in 10 years’ time, we need to embrace their ideas now.

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