Following on the past decades increased understanding of climate change from the broad community, we have seen a significant interest in how sport is both being impacted by and can influence climate change.

The recent floods and heavy rain on the East Coast of Australia has resulted in the cancellation of weeks of outdoor sport, which is having an impact on communities’ physical and mental health. This challenge was highlighted at COP26 in Glasgow late last year, and will be showcased at this year’s NSC22.

The NSC has built perhaps the strongest conference program ever curated around sport, climate change and sustainability in Australia with both global voices and influencers sharing their journey and solutions. This year the focus will be on:

Sustainability and Climate Change Impact on Sport and Sports Opportunity to Impact on Climate Change – What Can We Change for Brisbane 2032

  • Claire Poole, Founder & CEO, Sport Positive (UK)
  • Alastair Cox, Facilities & Quality Programme Manager, International Hockey Federation
  • Michelle Lemaitre, Head of Sustainability, International Olympic Committee (IOC)
  • Warwick Waters, Head of Advocacy & Stakeholder Engagement, Australian Olympic Committee

Other sessions include:

  • Global Climate Change Policy and Strategy Alignment for Sport
  • The Circular Economy and What That Means for Sport Surfaces and Their Environmental Footprint – Panel Session
  • Sports Surfaces can be Good for the Environment
  • Sustainability Frameworks that Can Change Sport
  • Sustainability is the New Black – Integrated into Every Organisation

NSC will host two days of packed knowledge sharing, case-studies and networking around this key industry and societal issue.

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