The NSC Academy is opening its portal to the industry free of charge for 30 days (1st-30th April 2022) to allow the sector to access over 200 hours of global thought leaders and national approaches.

By simply clicking on the NSC Academy website, a very quick registration process allows individuals access to key content including:

  • NSC21 – Over 50 hours of On-demand keynote sessions and workshops
  • NSC2020 Forums – Key Forum Sessions from both Melbourne and Sydney events
  • Social Inclusion – NSC has partnered with Collective Leisure to provide over 30 hours of interviews with key global thought leaders and local practitioners with fun, in-depth interviews on how inclusion can make a difference
  • Sustainability and Sports Fields – NSC has partnered with Smart Connection Consultancy and SPORTENG to provide a dozen interviews and presentations on the latest thinking for sports fields and natural, hybrid and synthetics
  • Plus more than 100 hours of interviews

Delegates who also sign up for NSC22 will also receive access to the NSC Academy as part of their registration free until 31st December 2022.

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