With recent research showcasing the challenges of children to meet the required physical activity levels, we are bringing together a collection of insights, practical solutions from around the globe as well as key approaches from Australia and New Zealand.

We need to make it easier for more children and young people to be physically active. What needs to change to get them excited to participate and stay involved; and why are they disengaged with the current offerings?

Our speakers on this theme include:

  • Mark Curr, Regional Play Systems Consultant, Sport New Zealand
  • Alison Oliver MBE, Chief Executive Officer, Youth Sport Trust (UK)
  • Kylie Hesketh, Chair Active Healthy Kids Australia Committee Asia-Pacific Society for Physical Activity, Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition, Deakin University
  • Aidan Burns, Play Participation Officer, OUR Generation, PlayBoard (Northern Ireland)
  • Kathryn Morley, Chief Executive Officer, OnSide (UK)
  • Sarah Loh, Executive Manager – Future Healthy Group, VicHealth
  • Kim Becherand, Head of Inclusive Play, Touched by Olivia
  • Melinda Crole, Chief Executive Officer, Junior Adventure Group
  • Phil Doorgachurn, Executive, Y Safeguarding
  • Rayoni Nelson, Chief Executive Officer, School Sport Victoria, Department of Education and Training

For more information on the program visit www.nationalsportsconvention.com.au/program.

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