Creating the Blueprint for the Next Decade
This year’s National Sports & Physical Activity Convention (NSC) aims to reconnect the industry, reach out to the diverse industry sectors, with opportunities to learn from global and national industry thought leaders. With a new extended format, NSC22 should not be missed, and now includes:
- NSC Oration and Panel Session
- 4 Global/CEO Keynote Sessions
- 5 Big Issues Keynote Sessions
- 25 Workshops over 5 Streams
- 75+ Speakers
- 3 Industry Tours
- 8 hours of networking
- 600+ delegates expected
- 10 Industry Award categories
- 70+ Exhibitors
- 2 Expo Activation Areas
- 1 DCE Networking Lounge
- 6 months access to the NSC Academy
The Big Opportunities and Issues
The industry has told us that their key focuses over the next two years will be along the themes we have used for the conference. They are as follows:
- Post-Covid Recovery
- Preventative Health Agenda
- Our Children and the Education Systems
- Growing Participation
- Children and Young People
For more information on the program visit